Saturday, June 26, 2010

The 5 Year Quilts

After 5 years they are finally finished! In 2005 I decided I would make Eye Spy Quilts for my two sons. Thinking that it may take me a while I chose realistic looking animal prints.
It was great fun exploring fabric stores where ever my travels took me to look for just the rignt animal print. Funny, the non sewers in the car didn't feel the same way.

There were a few set backs along the way. I made curtains out of my main solid colour for my sons room not realizing it was the quilt fabric. So the green quilt has two slightly different solid greens. I miss calculated how many squares I needed and the two quilts are not quite the same size even thought that was my original plan. Math has never been a strength for me!

Once the tops and back were complete I very wisely had them quiltd by someone who has a quilting machine. I didn't want it to take another 5 years. The boys would be in university!

My sons like to curl up in them and if I do say myself they turned out beautifully.
My grandmother would be proud.

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